Reframing during Lockdown

Little Journeys — Another six weeks of staying close to home …


LITTLE JOURNEYS — Grand Canal, Offaly. Local walks make us appreciate beautiful surroundings.

We are back in lockdown in Ireland again due to Covid-19!

If we look at the restrictions, all we see is negative.

If we reframe that to look at the positives, everything looks different ..

Think about your journey over the next 6 weeks as a period of enrichment and growth. Think about what you can do rather than what you can’t do. Thinking about where we are this morning, I have made a list of things I am going to do to enrich my own life and the lives of those around me for the next 6 weeks. Below is my list:

  1. Maintain a positive attitude and be grateful for all the good things in life that still exist every day.

2. Think about the welfare of others rather than myself.

3. Keep up with friends and family.

For many of us Zoom (or phone or Whatsapp etc.) is a blessing/think how hard it would be without it.

4. Getting out in nature is good for us! Avail of 5K walk with either family member or friend as often as possible each week.

Anne out walking by Grand Canal in Co. Offaly (with Grabbing the Wheel partner, Geraldine — who took photo!)

5. Complete on-line art course (free on Coursera) — started during last lockdown and didn’t get time to finish it out.

6. Sign up to a new on-line course (Udemy have lots of short courses for free with a huge range of topics).

7. Respect, honour and be grateful for the trojan efforts being made by NPHET in Ireland and Governments in all our countries keep us all safe — remember they are human too and trying to do their best.

8. Tidy up the garden and sow lots of new bulbs (something I have been wanting to do for so many years but never had the time — now that I have time I am going to take advantage of it)

9. Rest more and relax more.

10. Avoid alcohol for month of November (always did a detox every November in preparation for Xmas).

11. Eat good foods and enjoy nice fires and cosy evenings.

12. Enjoy nature as we move from Autumn to Winter — take the time to look around, inhale and enjoy the beautiful countryside.



Grabbing The Wheel — driving your own life.

Two takes on the same theme. Joint motivational blog for success at work and home by author Geraldine O’Neill and HR Consultant Anne Scally.